APIARIUM SRL is the FIRST AUTHORIZED SANITARY-VETERINARY UNIT for processing bee honey and other bee products (HP), from Timiș County.

In accordance with ORDER no. 10 on the approval of the Sanitary Veterinary Regulation laying down the procedure for the marking and veterinary health certification of fresh meat and the marking of products of animal origin intended for human consumption:

Art. 1., letter D. Identification mark – the stamp applied by the food business operator in accordance with the provisions of this veterinary sanitary norm, which certifies that the products were obtained in authorized sanitary-veterinary units and that complies with the provisions of the European Parliament and Council of the European Union no. 852/2004 / CE (PDF version in Romanian here and HTML version in Romanian here) and 853/2004 / CE (PDF version in Romanian here and HTML version in Romanian here).

CHAPTER II General provisions

Art. 2. – The products of animal origin defined by art. 1 are admitted for human consumption only if they bear the health mark or the identification mark in accordance with chap. III and IV.

CHAPTER IV Identification markings for products of animal origin

Art. 19. – Food business operators are required to identify their products of animal origin obtained with an identification mark applied in accordance with the provisions of this veterinary health rule and must take measures to ensure that:

a) the identification mark is applied before the product leaves the unit;

b) a new mark is applied to a product if the packaging and / or packaging material is removed or the product is subsequently processed in the establishment, in which case the new mark must indicate the authorization number of the establishment where these operations take place;

Art. 20. – (1) The identification mark must be legible, indelible and have easily decipherable characters. It must be clearly visible to the competent authorities.

(2) The identification mark applied in a unit located in Romania must contain in the upper part the name of the country, respectively “ROMANIA”, or the ISO code of the country, “RO”, in the center to have the veterinary sanitary authorization number of the unit and be of the form:

a) oval, in the case of products of animal origin obtained in establishments authorized for intra-Community trade, and containing the abbreviation EC or EC at the bottom;

Art. 23. – (6) In case a unit produces both foods to which the provisions of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union no. 853/2004 / EC, as well as foods to which it does not apply, food business operators may apply the same identification mark for both types of food.